Birdies for Charity – Benefitting The Magik Theatre



The Birdies for Charity fundraiser starts now!

This link will take you directly to Magik’s fundraising page within the Birdies for Charity website. For more information visit: The pledge deadline is noon on April 26.


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The Magik Theatre is lucky to be one of the beneficiaries for the Birdies for Charity fundraiser hosted by the Valero Texas Open. This fundraising event is an important opportunity for Magik to highlight our programming for the San Antonio and South Texas community and to demonstrate our dedication to improving children’s literacy through theatre. The Magik Theatre provides high quality arts education and literature based performances for over 150,000 students and patrons per year. This funding will let us continue to offer our programming at a reduced rate for title one families and schools.

Birdies for Charity is a “no-brainer” when it comes to fundraising. Birdies for Charity is a no-cost fundraiser that gives 100% of donations raised for Magik back to Magik. Plus, Magik receives a 7% match. If you donate $100, Magik receives $107.

Birdies for Charity is much like a walk-a-thon, but instead of pledging money per mile, a person pledges money for every birdie made at the Valero Texas Open. Last year, there were 1,975 birdies made during the tournament, so a pledge of just a penny ($0.01) per birdie yielded a donation of $19.75. Donors also can make a flat donation, or take advantage of other ways to participate and donate to Magik through Birdies including their 5K or by purchasing tickets to the Texas Open through our fundraising website.



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